We accept donations of any amount, one-time or recurring, via e-transfer or cheque. Contact our office if you have any questions at office@beaconhillca.org or call at 905-392-6590
E-transfers can be made to payments@beaconhillca.org
Cheques payable to Beacon Hill Christian Academy
9 Hunter Rd, Gormley, ON LOH 1G0
Beacon Hill Christian Academy equips the children entrusted to us for service in Christ’s Kingdom in an ever-changing world, according to the image of the unchanging person of Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word and by His Spirit.
We believe that home, church, and school must function together to raise future generations with a solid Christian worldview.
Children are encouraged to be Christ-like and engaged in their church and local communities while they benefit from an expansive and diverse curriculum.
To learn more about what we believe, click the button below!
We have over 40 years of experience developing and implementing Ministry approved high quality Reformed Christian education. Our years of hands-on experience means we understand what families are looking for and we know we’re offering it here at Beacon Hill.
contact usWe’re a Reformed Christian School which means we offer academic education that coincides with the principals and values of the Reformed Christian faith.
Being a small school means that every student is known and every student is important to us. We can take the time to teach each one in a way that is meaningful for them.
Our staff are experienced, up to date, and certified teachers who are passionate about being part of "telling of the next generation” about God’s works (Psalm 78).
Annual comprehensive standardized testing is done to see where students need to focus in order to achieve the goals set out for each grade level.
At Beacon Hill we offer competitive, dynamic, and engaging subjects that have your whole child in mind.
First, we approach every subject from a Christian perspective. This means that while we learn about the world around us we also learn to see God’s hand and wisdom displayed in every aspect of our life.
Academic success is also important to us and we are eager to see our students excel. We wish each child to be able to use their gifts to serve their communities and glorify God.
All courses at Beacon Hill Christian Academy follow the Ontario Curriculum and can be used towards the Grade 8 Level Diploma.
To learn more about our curriculum drop us a line!
contact usBeacon Hill students work diligently towards their Ontario Elementary School Certificate with the supportive involvement of their teachers, families, and support staff. Our students easily merge into their high school academics post graduation. We have a high success rate due to our intentionally small class sizes, ongoing individual assessment, and regular classroom and curriculum review.
Since we believe that home, school, and church must work together, Beacon Hill admits students in JK-Grade 8 whose family is a member of a local Christian church and who agrees to adhere to our Statement of Faith. Read more about our admissions process here.
Students are encouraged to participate in group and extracurricular activities and we believe these activities enhance academic performance. As enrolment allows, Beacon Hill will offer music, band, sports, and extracurricular clubs and meets.
Uniforms in schools promote respect and help create an atmosphere that is supportive of learning and excellence. For the students, there is a stronger sense of community among themselves, and a visible identity to the wider community.
Reformed Christian education is education that bases itself on the Reformed Christian faith. The Reformed focus is on the five Solas of the Reformation which are: God’s Word alone, faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone, and to the glory of God alone. The Reformed Christian faith has a strong heritage dating back to the Reformation and we believe these foundational principals are relevant to the modern Christian church today. Our curriculum reflects the fact that we believe how we teach, learn, interact, and participate in our communities must align with what we learn about God through his Word, and that Scripture is our final authority. To read more about the 5 Solas click here.
We know our students excel because of our small class sizes! The quality of the teacher to student relationship is why our students are so successful during their time with us and post graduation. The teacher to child ratio allows for more meaningful impact and assessment of development and we take pride in our teacher to students ratios. We aim to never exceed 15-20 (depending on need) students in a classroom.
If you are interested in learning more about our school, or want to book a tour, please use the form below to send us a message and let us know how we can help you.
We’d love to meet you! Let us know when you are available for a face to face chat about how to apply and a tour of our facilities.
contact usA large part of how we fund our school is through community support. We need our grandparents, fellow church members, and a whole community in order to operate – whether through donated time, prayer, or funds. Thank you for supporting Christian education at Beacon Hill!